Personal Projects and Achievements
My Original Java Online Judge
In recent months, I have been fascinated with Java's style of Object-Oriented Programming and saw that it is a great language to write an Online Judge in. In case you are not familiar, an online judge is a remote server that grades a program through batches of input/output test cases and gives the user points for the number of cases that the program provided the correct output for. My online judge is fully written in Java source code and is fully capable of multiple test batch scoring. The judge administrator can put his own test data and judging marking scheme through the directory and
Here is a link to my Github repository for the online judge:
Here is the link if you would like to try the online judge for yourself!
See the video below for a short demonstration:

Ignition Hackathon
Last year, I participated in an artificial intelligence hackathon called Ignition Hacks with Stefan, Jeremy, and Alex. The goal was to provide an accurate neural network program that would detect and analyze the sentiment of a sentence and mark it as either "happy" or "sad".
Here is a link to the Github repository for our finished project:
Here is the link to the Ignition Hacks website: